Hmmm... don't see that design among CLC's offerings... where'd you source the plans for that?
They maybe host a forum like this'n?
You might find an answer's more readily found over on the forum at It's got a wider range of members than here, small boats to V. Large. You have to sign up to post content while anyone stopping by can read what's there.
Otherwise, find yourself a copy of Todd Bradshaw's excellent book Canoe Rig. It's a fine place to start your approach to adding sails & rig to power your Huron Cruiser. Todd's a frequent contributor on WB's forum too.
Lastly, check into what you can find over at and that'll expand your horizons for this endeavor.
RE: plans for sails
» Submitted by spclark - Fri, 9/11/20 » 7:36 AM
Hmmm... don't see that design among CLC's offerings... where'd you source the plans for that?
They maybe host a forum like this'n?
You might find an answer's more readily found over on the forum at It's got a wider range of members than here, small boats to V. Large. You have to sign up to post content while anyone stopping by can read what's there.
Otherwise, find yourself a copy of Todd Bradshaw's excellent book Canoe Rig. It's a fine place to start your approach to adding sails & rig to power your Huron Cruiser. Todd's a frequent contributor on WB's forum too.
Lastly, check into what you can find over at and that'll expand your horizons for this endeavor.