SKERRY MODEL - paint hull or interior .. which order

I am really enjoying putting together the final touches on a the SKERRY model... question is related to whether to paint the hull first (as described in manual) and interion varnish later.  Would seem easier to do it in reverse order,  completing the interior and then once that is done,. focus on the exterior painting. Any comments on this would be appreciated.


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RE: SKERRY MODEL - paint hull or interior .. which order

I finished my NED model a few weeks ago.  I painted the exterior and then varnished the interior, mast, etc per the instructions.  I found the spray varnish dried rather rough, where as the paint was very smooth.  Either way you will have to mask, which does not take too long on a scale model.  If you varnish first, but don't mask, I imagine it will just be more sanding.

RE: SKERRY MODEL - paint hull or interior .. which order

while i have not applied my skills to a model, my approach would be varnish first and paint second.

as pointed out above, you will have to mask either way.  but i find its easier to get good lines by doing varnish first because the paint is opaque, the varnish is for all intensive purposes, clear.  a line of tape on varnish will give you a crisper line when the paint is applied....which is the one you are going to see.


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