No more Pax kayaks?

Hi all,

Returning to kayak buliding after a 4-year hiatus, so excited to get going again once I have the workspace set up.

Having built a few kayaks - Chesapeake17, Point Bennett, Yost SOF, Kaholo SUP - I'm looking at the next builds.  Likely a Shearwater 17 and then a double (Chesapeake or Shearwater) before I tackle a strip boat or two.

Having done marathon racing, I was also looking for a fast boat for workouts.  I noted CLC don't do the Pax 18 and 20 anymore.  I had emailed them regarding this - mostly out of curiosity - but haven't had a reply.

Anyone know why they aren't listed anymore? Old design, unpopular, too unstable, other issues?  More curiosity than anything, but was going to try my hand at one of them at some point.  Otherwise I have Mystery plans and may look at the Yukon, but wanted to stick to S&G for now.


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RE: No more Pax kayaks? are trace of it on the CLC site.

interestinly enough, CLC's UK licensee - fyne boat works - still appears to be offering the kit:

i am not sure, either, the particular reason that old designs are totally cleared off the site - i built a west river 180 a number of years back and no trace of that either....even wiped off the builders club site.    that said, a google search, fwiw, can usually find some record of it and possibly even an introduction to somebody who has one.

my guess is they just were not selling enough of them to make it anything other than a special order.   these are very specialized boats, moreover, without a lot of appeal to anybody who is not interested in racing.  i also suspect that if somebody really wanted to get into racing, most folks were not into building their own machine.


RE: No more Pax kayaks?

Welcome back to building.  It is kind of like Hotel California in that you can check out but can never leave.

A couple of months ago I noticed that the Pax boats were no longer listed, but as hspira suggested, I bet that CLC will sell a kit as a custom order.  The Pax 18 had a good reputation and a friend of mine won his age group paddling one at USCA Nationals in the Sea Kayak Division.  I paddled his boat and found it quick, relatively stable and strong tracking.  The Pax 20 did not enjoy the same good reputation but I never paddled one.  Not many other S&G race designs out there.  The picture below is my Wahoo next to my friend's Pax 18.

If you have any questions regarding the Shearwater Double, let me know.  I built one about 5 years ago and it is our most used recreational boat.

If you are thinking of building a Shearwater 17, I might suggest that you build it as a hybrid.  That would make a good segway into strip building.

I also have both the Yukon and Mystery.  The Mystery is slightly faster but in every other respect the Yukon is better.  Here is a post regarding those boats from about a year ago.  A tale of three wooden race boats. :: Builders' Forum ( 

I recently completed a fourth race boat, a decked Spindrift by Bjorn Thomassen.  I raced it plus the Yukon and Mystery in the USCA Nationals last month.  In the next week or so, I will updating the above post to include the new boat.

RE: No more Pax kayaks?

Preceeding post is mine but timed out before posting.  As an addition, I see that Bjorn now has a S&G version of the Panthera, which may be an option.

  Panthera | Björn Thomasson Design

Picture is my 20.5' x 18" decked Spindrift going through Flame Rapids at the USCA Nationals .  This boat is basically Panthara with Epic V10 measurements.

RE: No more Pax kayaks?

Thanks for the replies.  I'll see if CLC replies to my message.

Hspira - interestingly, the Aussie distributor still has kits also.  Maybe old stock like in the UK I guess?

Mark - appreciate the detailed response which was fantastic.  Definitely a bit to think about there with the different designs, and a couple I hadn't considered.  I am keen on the Yukon and your feedback on that vs the Mystery pretty much seals it, as I'd like something a little more forgiving but also will need ot handle turns and some chop.  Will check out the Spindrift too.

Fantastic work on your four boats, they are beauties.


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