To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

To motor pad, or not to motor pad, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler on the transom

To suffer the grievance of a motor pad now unwanted

To perchance find solace in a future prepared

We're building an Eastport Nesting Pram and fitting it out to row and sail. We don't have plans to put a motor on it any time soon, but are not against prepping for that possibility.   Here's the part I can't figure out in looking at the manual. If we install the motor pad won't the gudgeons then out be out of alignment unless we add a spacer for the lower gudgeon?

(and I apoligize now for my poor attempt at waxing poetic)


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RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

   I haven't done an eastport, but the gudgeon and pintle hardware is reasonably bendable so aligning them shouldn't be too bad.  Look at a number of the pictures of the Eastport Pram on this site and you see quite a few with the doubler for a motor and rudder hardware added.  If you want to be sure, email or call directly to CLC.  They are great about talking you through bits, but aren't always monitoring this forum.  Here's one picture from the album here:

RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

   Oh, and you weren't doing too badly w/ the verse, though the Bard may be twitching in his grave.  :-)

RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

   Dang it, hit send before finishing.  On my skerry, I adjusted the angle of the pintle hardware on the rudder slightly before tightening it all down so they both aligned on their gudgeons.  I'm assuming similar adjustment is to be had on the rudder of the EP.

RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

Our Passagemaker has a similar stern configuration.  We installed the motor pad, and subsequently had no issues with the rudder installation.  We originally had no plans to use a motor, but subsequently found that she works well as an electric boat with a modified trolling motor.  Haven't used it much that way, myself, but my son and his wife have found it a quietly pleasant way to go for a little sunset cruise when camping by a body of water.


RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

Really, my verse make the bard cringe? Hah, then I must have gotten it right and I'll take that as a compliment! :)

From the replies, there doesn't seem to be any problem with the motor pad and rudder together, so I believe we'll put it on. Also I kind of like the way it looks -- it adds some interest to the otherwise flat transom.


RE: To motor pad or not to motor pad on an ENP

Hey Digver, did it work out?

I took a break from sanding my passagemaker hull to look at rudder bits and have the same question you did.

Did everything end up working out fine without adding a spacer for the lower gudgeon or some other adjustment to accomodate the motor pad?   

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