Hull glassing sequence

I noticed the manual calls for my hybrid wood duck hull to be glassed prior to decking. The stitch and glue boats I am used to with plywood decks wait for glassing until after the boat is decked. I am guessing the hybrid hull is better protected during stripping by being glassed early. Anybody know?

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RE: Hull glassing sequence

i have built hybrids and if you want to wait until you have built the deck prior to glassing the hull, not a problem.  but i would recommend at least glassing the inside so that any dropped glue from the stripping process is easy to clean up.  if you have to temporarily hot glue forms in, that's also a bit harder to do on bare wood without creating a clean-up issue.

the only other thoughts i can offer are....

coming back to the hull, it is a bit more stable as a building platform if the seams at least are tack glued....vs just wired.

if you are doing the hull bright on a hybrid, you will need to be careful to not accidently sand through the plys at the shearline....which may also suggest why glassing it in advance (to protect the shearline) might be a good idea.

my variation on the glassing schedule is to attach the deck to the glassed hull prior to glassing the outside of the deck.  this way i do not have to use a seam on the outside...i just use the deck glass to also create a seam.



RE: Hull glassing sequence

   Definitely improves the strength of the hull for the remaining work. The interior needs taken to at least the first fill coat to keep rigid, strong and protect the wood. Just finished installing my deck forms. Had to adjust one form, but otherwise ended up with a fair surface from bow to stern. Had to work on my means of setting the forms though. Building from plans omits a bunch of the simplification of the construction process a kit offers. Looking forward to stripping.

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