Any Lake Union Swift builds out there?

Hey folks,

I'm taken by the Lake Union Swift, and intend to purchase the kit as a retirement present to myself, though not for a year or more.

I haven't seen any build blogs or sailing videos on it yet, and wondering if anyone has any experiences (and photos!) to share, even if they're still in the building stage.

I built two CLC Chesapeake kayaks, but those were 20+ years ago, so I'm a little concerned about the ProKit not having as much detail as the regular CLC kits.  I've purchased the manual, though, and it looks manageable, but I suspect I'll run into some issues where consulting with fellow builders here will be extremely helpful.


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RE: Any Lake Union Swift builds out there?

   Just finished the hull. Starting on the spars. I did post a monthly Timelapse if you want to flip through them. I'll post June in the next few days. Here's a link to the first one. I'm assuming you can get to the rest from there.



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