Petral Play - how many strips ?


I found a local source for western red cedar and bought enough board feet to hopefully complete the project.  However, I didn't realize how much waste there would be with 1x 6 lumber. Dumb mistake . Naturally, the grain went the wrong way and required me cut it into 3/4" blanks and then strips.  A lot of wasted wood .   Ended up with only 100 16' strips.  

Do I need to buy  more wood ?  

maybe just see how far it takes me.







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RE: Petral Play - how many strips ?

Hi jscott,

If you look at the petrel play page there is a link for ‘materials for kit builder’ and it calls for 960 lineal feet of ¾ inch width strips:

if you bought the kit, CLC would ship it with 120 eight foot strips.  

so if you have 100 sixteen foot strips you have 1,600 lineal feet…..more than enough to finish the boat.

Fwiw, if you are efficient in your stripping you can save a lot of wood by planning your cuts and minimizing scrap which is typically budgeted at 25%.    The petrel play is ~ 44 square feet of hull/deck and 960 feet of ¾ width strips is 60 square feet of material…so you can see the margins.  i typically build with wastage in the 6 to 7 percent i get a lot of boat out of my material.

Fwiw, the petrel play is only  ~ 15 feet long so if you don’t organize well… could end up with a lot of scrap.  Scrap is not a problem unless you have a focus on minimizing waste or you dealing with expensive material…but thought I would just share some of the math with you. 

personally, I work with 8 foot strips as my base and just am efficient in splicing bits together like a nice wood floor.  It can be challenging some times to work with the longer strips and on this boat, most of the strips are going to be way shorter than 16 feet even if you do not have a single spliced strip.

Hope this helps.   picture of my modified petrel play below.....this is a really fun boat.  enjoy!



RE: Petral Play - how many strips ?

   Thanks so much.  

RE: Petral Play - how many strips ?

   Thanks so much.  

RE: Petral Play - how many strips ?

And just to add another data point to hspira's detailed answer, at the widest point the deck on my petrel play is 42 strips wide and the hull 44 strips, so your 100 strips will be more than enough and you won't have to do any scarfing either.


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