Chesapeake Light Craft on Modern MarvelsAs of 12-30-11, you can watch the Modern Marvels episode here.  The History Channel website shifts often and we'll try to keep the link updated.  Our segment starts around 32:00.

Modern Marvels on H2 History Channel Two
The Modern Marvels episode "Wood" on H2 (formerly History International) features a segment on Chesapeake Light Craft and our Cocktail Class Racer kits!  This episode will repeat at intervals on that channel.
Modern Marvels featuring Chesapeake Light CraftBack in August we turned our shop over to a film crew from the History Channel as they filmed an episode of their long-running show, Modern Marvels.  The topic of this particular show is wood technology, and they chose CLC's wood-epoxy composite boatbuilding techniques to illustrate one aspect of wood technology.  For the shoot, we assembled four of the upcoming Cocktail Class Racer kits to different stages, cooking-show style, so we could film a stitch-and-glue boatbuilding project from start to finish.  The narrator had a few minor misfires---the Cocktail Class is a brand new kit and thus hardly our "most popular" as of this writing.  But it's a nice segment showing a lot of the CLC shop and crew in action.  Thanks to staffers Steve, Joey, Matt, and David, and especially the Edmonds family (who built the boat in the on-water shots) for their help in filming!

Filming Chesapeake Light Craft on Modern Marvels

Chesapeake Light Craft on Modern Marvels

Chesapeake Light Craft on Modern Marvels


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