At Chesapeake Light Craft, we build boatbuilders. And a lot of them were built in our Annapolis shop during the spring of 2013, with a string of nine build-your-own classes pumping out 14 Annapolis Wherries, a dozen Northeaster Dories, nine kayaks (Chesapeakes and Wood Ducks), six Kaholo SUP boards, and seven dinghies (Passagemakers and Eastport Prams)---and producing about 60 proud new boatbuilders in the process. Our classes usually run five and a half days; in addition to the class photo, graduates take a few new skills and some great memories---and, of course, a boat.

Here are a few photos from those classes and some cool HD timelapse videos, too.

Chesapeake Kayak Class
May 20-25 2013
Annapolis, MD
Northeaster Dory Class
May 13-18 2013
Annapolis, MD
Northeaster Dory Class
May 6-11 2013 
Annapolis, MD

Chesapeake Kayak Class May 2013

CLC Northeaster Dory Class group photo - May 6-11 2013

 Kaholo SUP Class
April 22-27 2013
Annapolis, MD
Annapolis Wherry Class
April 15-20 2013
Annapolis, MD
Annapolis Wherry Class
April 8-13 2013
Annapolis, MD

Kaholo Class April 22-27 2013 Annapolis MD

Wood Duck Kayak Class
March 25-30 2013
Annapolis, MD
Kaholo SUP Class
March 18-22 2013
Annapolis, MD
Passagemaker Dinghy Class
February 25-March 5 2-13
Annapolis MD


Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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