Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
High-Capacity Great Auk 18' 0" 54 lbs. 30 in. 600 lbs. 32" x 23" 300 - 400 lbs. 13" 14
see other Auks 10 11 14 Great High-Capacity Razor Billed Double
High-Capacity Great Auk Configurations:
» (click here to learn about kit options)
Standard Configurations:
Complete Kit
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit
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Forms & Strongback Only Kit
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Forms Only Kit
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Full-Size Plans
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Additional Components:

Retractable Skeg Kit
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Invisible Hatch Hold-Down Kit
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The Strip-Built Sea Kayak
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
» view the High-Capacity Great Auk materials list and order a la carte!
Popular Accessories:
» view other items you may need
Supplies List for Kit Builders:
» view other items you may need

view Kayak Comparison Chart

*Some Exceptions Apply

If you are going on a months-long tour up the Inside Passage you might want to carry a lot of supplies. This is the kayak to do it. It has the capacity to carry a large load efficiently. It is stable enough to be rigged with a small sail.

This boat may not be appropriate if you feel you just need a little bit more capacity than normal, it is best suited for situations where you need a total capacity over 350 lbs. and will still perform well with over 600 lbs on board.

If you're a big paddler, you will find this design efficient and comfortable while still able to carry a lot of gear.

Our strip-built and hybrid kits ship with 50% Western Red and 50% Alaskan Yellow cedar bead & cove strips. Photos on our website and printed materials may show patterns and accent strips with walnut or other materials. Optional walnut strips are available and can be shipped with kit orders

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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