Re: San O, crux point....

Posted by James Abell on Feb 28, 2008

Ok thanks, Im taking a long time to tighten all the wire and make sure its all correct first.

Im going to take the angle of the bottom bulkheads and cut foam to that and put the saw horses just outside them with the cut angled foam on the horses and also make a middle support. Then will test to see if there is twist.

I look forward to trying out the board. Do you race them? My current 17 foot paddleboard is not built a;; that correctly so thought to get a San O after recomendations. Ive got a 10'6 which is ok.

The only other 'proper' ones over 10'6 that can got here are Eaton stock with foam interior.

Ive had enough with foam even with the latest technologies, it always seams to cause headaches when dinged and soaked up water.

I like the look of those hollow core Hawaian ones but would be a fortune to ship to the UK. Thats why I went with the San O, I look forward to taking it out for some voyages, I want to see how well it catches runs too.

In Response to: Re: San O, crux point.... by George K on Feb 27, 2008



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