Newest addition to the fleet

The Petrel I've been hankering for since O-fest 2011 got wet today

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RE: Newest addition to the fleet

Another elegant and beautifully understated design, Dan. You might need to build a barn to house all your boats. -Wes

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

Thanks Wes. A barn would be good, or a 20 foot shipping container, but the wife already put the kibosh on that idea.


RE: Newest addition to the fleet


RE: Newest addition to the fleet


Can't wait to have both the time AND the place to start a stripper.  Someday, someday.  sigh.

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

A beauty! Congrats!

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

if i ever build one that nice, i'll tape a picture of it to my forehead and never speak again.

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

Dang, that is one purty boat.  And I'm a rower, not a paddler.  I've never understood why someone would want to be able to see where they're going.  But to each his own. :)

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

RE: Newest addition to the fleet

Thanks for all the nice comments! Jack, you had me laughing for hours.


RE: Newest addition to the fleet

LOL! - a man of his word :)

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