puzzle joints

I've made my first mistake. When they suggested sanding the edges to get rid of rough cut I lightly snded all the endges of all the puzzle joints. I glues and they set nicely but in some spots the glue ran right through and there are hariline cracks where you can see the light of day. My question is: should I mix more epoxy without filler and let it run through these cracks or can there be airp-space in the joint? They are very small and intermittent.

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RE: puzzle joints

Please excuse spelling in last post, I hit send before editing. I should add that the epoxy is set but hasn't reached 24 hour cure.    

RE: puzzle joints

   I would fill them since the air space would cause a void in the material and if the air in the void expands it will cause a bubble that will have to be sanded out and filled.


RE: puzzle joints

   Sooner or later you'll be filling them in with some wood flour epoxy.  While they are flat on the gluing table I'd sand them and then fill. But you will have opportunity to do it later. Just fill them in before you put any cloth over it (if it is that one). Voids are bad.............

RE: puzzle joints

Thanks for the advice. It was my inclincation to fill them and now I have a good understanding as to why. I only have a small amount of woodworking experience and none at all with epoxy so I am climbing a huge learning curve here.  Being in Nova Scotia I feel some urgency to keep the project moving so that I get the epoxy work before the nights turn cold. Reading the tips on the CLC websight and reading the forum has been most helpful thus far.

RE: puzzle joints

   Note that filling with wood flour will leave a mark. Keep it small and don't spread it around too much if you are going to do a "clear" finish. 

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