keel protection

I'm interested in adding a strip to ptotect my Shearwater keel from abrasion. Who has a good idea? Also I know there is a name for such a strip but at my age ---- uhhh what was I saying---  Oh yeah, I know there's a name for it but I can't remember what it is. SEEYA Jack

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RE: keel protection

A member of the Chesapeake Paddlers' Association recently posted a link to his blog entry regarding an experiment with helipcopter surface guard tape. Sounds interesting, I've been meaning to pester him to post some pictures.

I've used the dynel fabric/graphite epoxy rubstrips on 2 kayaks and they work well but are not the prettiest things in the world:)  It would also be nice to have something that could be run  farther down the keel. I have considered just painting an inch or two wide stripe of graphite/epoxy along the keel but haven't tried that either. There is also a manufacturer who makes rub strips for application to larger boats I have run across in the past. These strips were heavy duty material with longitudinal ridges and they claimed to be considering a product suitable for kayaks or small boats.


Ogata (eric) 

RE: keel protection

Found it:

Now that's got to be going a little bit overboard.... Looks like it would make for a tough bottom. Probably great stuff to have for when you run down one of those pesky kayaks with your Jet-ski!


Ogata (eric) 

RE: keel protection

after just taking a nice trip with my girlfriend down the santa fe river in north florida (yes we said "hi" to naked ed),  my shearwater's bottom is all scratched up.  i have to figure out something for the keel,  or get a plastic boat for this kind of run.  the water was low, so lots of rock dragging... blah.

good thing i have some extra varnish at home. 

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