Skerry rails


OK, I'm doing the inner rails of my Skerry.  The directions talk about leaving 3" or so of rail sticking forward of the bow, but never talks about trimming them before gluing them down.  I think that's obvious but just want to raise it.  My kit rails are Spanish cedar and they seem to bend easier than I'd imagined.  I'm pretty sure I can clamp, drill, and screw them, at least at the bow, with little or no overhang, and it saves some fuss and trimming.  Am I missing something?  I understand that the stern, with stronger curvature, will need more force, and it actually talks about trimming the stern off each rail after it's glued/screwed.  



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RE: Skerry rails

   If I remember correctly, you will have to trim some off anyway to make the two rails fit properly.  I think I used the overhang to leverage the rail into place then trimmed some off the end when putting the other rail into place. 

I think a lot of the instructions are left intentionally vague - there are probably dozens of ways of doing many of the steps, all of which lead to the same end result.  Why stifle our creativity?

RE: Skerry rails

   Pretty much where I went with it.  These kits are great, but still not inexpensive, and I always have a certain trepidation about getting it right when I slather up pieces with epoxy and started going past the point of no return.  It's sort of like when I had to drill new holes in my big keelboat such as for a new thru-hull...poking holes in a 5 ton boat, especially below the waterline, should never be done lightly.  At least in this case I won't need pumps and a crane to correct my errors.  :-)


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