It's just black paint on the underside. Didn't seem logical to varnish a surface no one will ever see.
It's all sanded to 220-grit and headed for the spray booth next week for varnish over the okoume. Still looks pale and chalky in sanded epoxy! It will acquire a nice amber glow soon enough.
Seen here on the made-to-suit Trailex trailer, and with a stitched-and-glued cooler/storage box bolted to the tongue.
Hope to nail down a launch date and pricing in the next week or two!
RE: Tear Drop on shop cam
» Submitted by John, CLC - Fri, 2/12/16 » 1:15 PM
It's just black paint on the underside. Didn't seem logical to varnish a surface no one will ever see.
It's all sanded to 220-grit and headed for the spray booth next week for varnish over the okoume. Still looks pale and chalky in sanded epoxy! It will acquire a nice amber glow soon enough.
Seen here on the made-to-suit Trailex trailer, and with a stitched-and-glued cooler/storage box bolted to the tongue.
Hope to nail down a launch date and pricing in the next week or two!