Spray cover for Guillemot

hello! Anybody know where I can get a spray cover for the Guillemot that I just purchased? Maybe I just did not see it on the CLC site, or maybe one of the ones listed also fits the Guillemot? Help? Thanks much!  ......Olympia Bill

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RE: Spray cover for Guillemot


i would post your question on the Guillemot Site as well http://www.kayakforum.com/

i would also check out the seals site  http://www.sealsskirts.com/

the important thing is to get the right size for how you built the boat.  not sure if you did it directly from the plan or if you made some adjustments.

its also important to be clear about what you want the skirt for.  if you intend to roll, its very important to have a proper, tight fit and you will probably want neoprene.  if its more about keeping spray out, you can get away with a looser/more adjustable fit and a canvas material can work.

that said, seals can custom-make one for you based on a tracing of your cockpit as built (if you can sew...you can also make your own).  they also have 'standard' sizes based on commercial boats....so if you can find a commercial boat that has the same or very close measurement of your guillemot cockpit, you can translate that to the size that they have for that.

hope that helps....but my experience with the strip-builts is they don't typically stock properly fitting spray skirts becuase there is too much variation for how they get built (vs the stitch and glue...which are almost always built per the plans)






RE: Spray cover for Guillemot

Seals has a sizing chart on their website with a bunch of CLC boats listed.





RE: Spray cover for Guillemot

   It is on the CLC site,,,,,,,,,see



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