Kaholo 14 clear deck plate placement

I was wondering if anyone can tell me altetenative placments for the clear deck plate on a Kaholo 14'.  The instructions call for placement  40"(?) from the bow (going from memory here as the instructions are at home) and I'd like to move it forward without hitting a bulkhead.  Alas my top is on and glassed and don't have a way to align it forward without disaster.  Any help woudl be greatly aprpeciated!

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RE: Kaholo 14 clear deck plate placement


   I installed a 6 inch round hatch in the bow area of my Kaholo.   However, the next time I will install it in the stern area for a few reasons.   More water washes over the bow than the stern so if the hatch leaks less water will enter.  Second, there is more room act for storage aft if your intentions are to store things in the hull.  The forward end of a hatch installed aft will have to clear the centerline stringer.  Has anyone installed an aft hatch?





RE: Kaholo 14 clear deck plate placement

   Planning to on the 12'6" kaholo i'm building.  I'll let you know how it works out.  I do know that I'm going to cut a portion out of the center stringer between bulkhead
# 9 and #10. 

RE: Kaholo 14 clear deck plate placement

 Did you stitch the tops of your bulkheads in place for filleting?

if so, you could probably use the filled holes to determine a position if they are still visible. 

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