MAS epoxy + H20 = ?

Skerry is being finished in the garage.  Meanwhile, my other old wooden sailboat is living in the driveway right now with varnish as it's only protection.  It needs a small repair that will be simple and straightford with epoxy.  Our area is classified as a "Temperate Rainforest" for good reason.  The dew is literally dripping off the boat most mornings at sunrise.  Then intense sunlight, then probable thunder showers.  Repeat dailey.  The current temperatures are ranging from 62-92 each day.  The boat can't go into the garage because of all the other boats already in there.  How concerned should I be doing the repair in the driveway with the moisture and temperature conditions we are experiencing?  Of course, I can keep the direct rain off of it, but there is still a lot of moisture in the air and condensation issues.

Sounds like a question for Laszlo.

Hooper Williams - Brevard, NC

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RE: MAS epoxy + H20 = ?

Until Laszlo makes an appearance I'll voice my $0.02 on this.

My chief concern would be moisture content of the wood needing repair. If it's high - beyond 12% - that could preclude optimum adhesion or inhibit proper cure with some formulations.

Were I in your position I'd endeavor to get the item being repaired into a shelter where it can reach moisture equilibrium before making what repairs are needed. The longer it's been exposed to weather, and the amount of water it's been in contact with during that time, will affect how long this will take of course.

If this isn't convenient, there may be some products that are formulated to work better than others when the wood it's being applied to has a higher moisture content than would otherwise be recommended.

RE: MAS epoxy + H20 = ?

   I haven't used this ( but the description says:

Unlike most 5-minute type epoxies, Rapid Cure is waterproof and strong. It has a pot life of about 3 minutes; parts can be handled in as little as 15 minutes.

"Now imagine 2 days into your annual kayak trip, landing through the surf and catching that one sharp hidden rock on the beach. Now your wooden or fiberglass boat has a hairline crack in the hull. In the old days you would have covered it with duct tape and hoped it didn't spread before you got home. With Rapid Cure, though, you can fix the crack permanently. All you need is a little 'glass cloth, a piece of sandpaper, and the epoxy. Simply sand off the paint or varnish around the crack on the inside of the hull (or the outside if you can't reach the inside), fill the crack with epoxy, lay the 'glass cloth over it and spread more epoxy over the cloth. Finally, enjoy a leisurely lunch while the Rapid Cure hardens and off you go, confident that your boat is as strong as ever.


RE: MAS epoxy + H20 = ?

Good hurricane wind predicted for tomorrow so I just went ahead and did it last night with regular MAS epoxy.  For some reason, I feel pretty good about it.  If it ever fails, I will update here and fix it again.

Thanks guys,


RE: MAS epoxy + H20 = ?

   I don't know about any of the MAS formulas for wet wood, but WEST -G Flex sounds like ut's specifically formulated for it.

I'm not endorsing it one way or another as I haven't tried it. yet, but it could be a solution.


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