Some brief video of my NE Dory sailing in a 10 kt breeze

It's not the best video footage one could find, but I've been desperate to sail lately and hauled out my phone to record the moment (lest the summer doldrums return). Here it is in case you have been similarly becalmed!

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RE: Some brief video of my NE Dory sailing in a 10 kt breeze

Scoots right along, doesn't it. My weekends have been alternating between small craft advisories and horse latitudes. so it's good to see someone having a good sail. Maybe now that Autumn is approaching things will aherage a bit.

For a minute there I was a bit confused by the corrugated plastic tubes, thought maybe you had the bilge pumps from Hell on board. Then I remembered your beach roller scheme. 

Thanks for the reminder of what sailing can be,



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