CLC is now selling power tools!

Remember a few years back when CLC came out with the Einbaum Canoe? I actually picked up a kit, since I live almost next door, have a truck and therefore did not have to pay the exorbitant shipping.

It's been years and I've hardly gotten started on it, mostly because it's so dang much work. But today's my lucky day. CLC is now selling the first power tool they've ever stocked and I got the first one. It's an automatic wood cutter that combines the functions of an axe, adze and gouge. It can be set to run completely unattended, is self-sharpening and runs on sustainable energy from reclaimed wood waste. It's virtually a wodcutter's assistant. Get yours today.

CLC Automatic Wood Cutter

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RE: CLC is now selling power tools!

   On a post dated April 1st.?...............I'm not opening that link.

RE: CLC is now selling power tools!

   Dam! I want one!

RE: CLC is now selling power tools!

   I need this. I will call him George.

RE: CLC is now selling power tools!

I'm calling mine Justin.

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