
Is that a Peapod I see on the trailer on the right? Maybe for John's S&G class at Woodenboat? That's a really pretty little hull.


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RE: Shopcam

Alas, whatever was on that trailer, it must have sprouted wings...or maybe sails...and made off with itself.  Boat burglars, maybe?  A raid by the infamous Pernicious Peapod Pirates?  <;-)


RE: Shopcam

Yes!  Definitely a Peapod.  CLC posted it on Instagram.  It was a real pleasure watching it go together over the last several days.  They make it look so easy.  The scuppered inwales really make it look classy.  I'm 210 hours into my PMD build and the finish line keeps retreating.  I'm hoping plans for John's Peapod will be made available soon

RE: Shopcam

Thanks Skully, I'm not in the habit of checking Instagram so I missed it.


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