MAS epoxy VOC's

I know that MAS has a low percentage of volatile organic compounds but I was wondering if they could affect other plastics in the environment. I ask because when trying to use a 1/2 inch line that was hanging in the garage where I built a WD12 and Peeler skiff I broke it just tying a knot. I also crushed the handles on several pair of cheap Harbor Freight scissors (I am not the Hulk).

I'm hoping this was just an abarration and the fenders on my Saturn or body of my scooter are not going to leave the next time I hit a pothole.

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RE: MAS epoxy VOC's

I’ve been using MAS in my shop for close to 20 years and have never had any other plastics get brittle. It would take a lot of VOC’s to cause that, and if MAS is giving off that much you should be in a respirator with VOC cartridges when using it. I don’t do that and my annual physicals say my lungs are fine! I would suspect heat is more the culprit in your garage.

George K  

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