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Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
Note fron the pics above that the drawings and parts for the boat do not agree with each other. The drawing shows 4 3/8" of space for the doubler while the part is 5 1/2" long. Can sommeone confirm which dimmension is correct as there is sufficient decking to have a 5 1/2 overhang or the doubler can be cut.
Also does the approximately 1" end of the doubler face towards the bow? The manual gives no clue.
8 replies:
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
Let me try and be more clear. The plans for this boat show the foredeck extending past the forward bulkhead 4 3/8". The mast goes through the foredeck "overhang" and a doubler is supplied with the kit that is 5/1/2" long. The doubler could be cut to 4 3/8" or the deck, that is long enough to extend 5 1/2" could make the overhang 5 1/2 ". The other question is which way to install the doubler as it determines the rake of the mast. If installed one way the hole for the mast is 1" from the bulkhead. Installing it the other way it is 2" from the bulkhead, increasing the rake.
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
No offense intended, but for those of us not really familiar with the boat, it's hard to understand your question. I was able to find the old construction gallery and grabbed a few pictures of what I think you're talking about. Can you use these to give us a better idea of what the issue is?
For that matter, have you tried contacting CLC directly? Instead of a bunch of builders who may have never even seen a Jjimmy Skiff, there's folks at CLC who have actually built the old one (the kid planing the mast now owns the company).
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
Thanks and I did notice the kid working on the mast and who he is. I will contact the folks at CLC but to try and aexplain the problem the plans show an overhang (bulkhead to end of foredeck) of 4 3/8" but the doubler that goes under the foredeck and around the mast is 5 1/2 " long.. From the pics I think the 4 3/8" is correct and I should cut the doubler. Its important because the rake of the mast is defined by the location of the hole on the foredeck
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
I may be misunderstanding this, but that 4 3/8" overhang - is it from the bulkhead to the back of the boat? If so, is that extra 1 1/8" on the doubler meant to go towards the front of the boat, sandwiched between the foredeck on top and the bulkhead on the bottom? That would fit in with the possibility that the doubler is also acting as a mast partner and in that case you shouldn't cut it.
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
The construction drawing has a 4 3/8 overhang of the deck from the bulkhead towards the stern. You have a logical thought but there is no notch in the bulkhead to allow the doubler to go forward of the bulkhead.
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
Bob, I'm building the Jimmy II currently and have the same exact question. Did you ever get an answer? Tom
RE: Jimmy Skiff I foredeck question
» Submitted by Gramps - Tue, 12/3/19 » 4:55 PM
Pictures don't seem to be viewable there, Bob. See here:
...for instructions on that. It is shall I say this?...intuitively obvious. <;-)