paint over varnish?

So I am thinking about paint vs. varnish for the boat, and I had an idea of varnishing everything, with the thought that if I am not happy with the outcome, I can always paint her later.

Thoughts? Will I have any problems with painting over varnish?


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RE: paint over varnish?

the interlux brightside paint works fine over any of the varnishes sold on this site.   (the general rule here is one part paints can go over one part varnish).  

that said, it's not the typical prep for paint.  but it works.  you will still need to ensure the underlying varnish surface is dry and then lightly sanded/smooth and free of contaminants (follow the brightsides pre-paint prep instructions) but you don't need to remove the varnish to paint over it.

i think your idea is fine.


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