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Before you fiddle, shimmy, and wiggle to get the centerboard pin in the trunk while suspending the centerboard...measure it.
Mine is 2 1/2" and should be 2". Found out the hard way.
3 replies:
RE: Peapod Centerboard Pin length
I cut the pin to 2". CLC only has 2 1/2" pins.
Since we are on the topic of centerboards. Have you looked at the bungee that is secured by "wrapping around the trunk". The seat completley rests on the trunk. There is no where for the bungee to wrap or pass thru. How is the centewrboard retained in the down position? I believe the picture is from a different boat. Not the peapod.
Thoughts anyone?
RE: Peapod Centerboard Pin length
Forget my question. I see now the bungee goes from aft of the seat all the way around and forward. Enough bungee is provided.
RE: Peapod Centerboard Pin length
» Submitted by Vizcarrondo, Jose - Tue, 9/21/21 » 4:21 PM
I had the same issue. Luckily I did measure it beforehand. Solved it by very carefully drilling deeper into the holes in the caps.