Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?


I was wondering if there is a preferred photo hosting/blogging site for putting boat builds or even boat excursions/trips on? I've looked at Flickr, SmugMug, Imgur, etc and I'm not sure which one might work the best with either the CLC Forum or Woodenboat Forum site. Any recommendations?

Thanks, Ed

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RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

i have been using and it seems to work well with CLC.

no fees so far.

sample below - my old west river 180 paddling with some friends :)


RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

I know everything on the web is supposed to be free, but I went ahead and bought my own domain some years back and have never regretted it. It costs me less than a quarter a day and I have a place to host my stuff where I set all the policies. I can publish on any forum with no issues whatsoever and don't have to worry about someone deciding to change or even delete things when I'm not looking.



RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

I've been using Dropbox, mostly to sync up extensive digital photo archives and to share selected photos with friends and family. It costs a bit over $100 per year, if memory serves.  Anyway, it works for posting indivitual photos here, and those will survive as long as Dropbox or myself, which ever drops dead first.  We were treating free TinyPics here on this forum like it was going to last forever...until it didn't, and all of those photos disappeared from view.

RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

   Just wanted to note what Gramps said and continue to urge CLC to invest in creating an 'upload' feature for the photo's.  i agree that we lost a lot of pics in the community when tinypics folded.....but as long as we seperate the picture storage from all the commentary....CLC/the community....risks pictures that were once there, suddlenly disappearing.

john, any update on the various projects where CLC was looking to update its website?


RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

hspira, That is the main reason I would like to keep the photos somewhere else. It seems like a trend to have the hosting/forum site upgrade or go through changes and then the pictures get lost in the process. I would also just like to post them somewhere to be able to log my progress and put comments on them. I still plan on posting to the forums, but would also like to have a place for greater detail.

And having a place that is not say build related that I would like to "maybe" chronical some boat travels. If I actually do much blogging about it I don't know. I used to be a professional photographer and my wife still is and we usually shoot at very hi res and just the storage of some of the photos becomes an issue so that would be nice to also have for the pictures. 

Drobox has been used in the past for transferring photos and files and I did look into that, but maybe wanted something more "photo" geared, or even blogging geared. I did at one point try Wordpress and for somereason wasn't impressed. And my son recommended Imgur which is something he used for awhile at Kent State and when I looked into that it's a little crazy since they are or was started as a meme site. Might be a little too busy for me. And I just found out that SmugMug purchased Flickr which explains the similiarity in pricing. 

So at this point I'm still on a search. Ed


RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?


Those are exactly the reasons that I bought my domain and put up my own website. It's worked out very well for me.



RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

>>  which one might work the best with either the CLC Forum or Woodenboat Forum site. <<

Last I checked, Woodenboat Forum let you upload pics directly to their site. No need for a third party photo site. CLC on the other hand ...

>> Those are exactly the reasons that I bought my domain and put up my own website. It's worked out very well for me. <<

Laszlo, do you FTP all your pics up to your site, or do you have a host who gives you a drag & drop interface? If the latter, who hosts your domain?

RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?


Hosted by Hostek. I do FTP my web data and photos. The interface/client choice is mine as long as my FTP client can meet the security protocol requirements (TLS). Depending on the circumstances, it's anything from the good old command line interface to a full-featured drag-and-drop GUI like FileZilla (free and open source).

Same for the web design. I can use anything from raw HTML and Notepad to whatever WYSIWYG GUI web generator I want. I save the results to my local computer for debug and backup, then when I'm happy with it I upload it to the server.

Pictures for various fora have their own directory on my server and are put there via FTP.



RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?


Beyond giving a thumbs up to Lazlo's advocacy of self hosting, I have two suggestions.

First, last time I looked, Flickr had a free tier, of course with limitations. If you have and take a lot of photos the paid tier didn't seem that unreasonably priced.

Second, if you're looking to create a blog rather than just creating an album of photos with comments, WordPress used to offer a free account, and if you were to self host you could install an instance of WordPress yourself. I've done that myself in the past.

One advantage of not self hosting is there is a lower risk of losing your content since those services can't afford to lose their user's content. Like Lazlo I have my own virtual server and in the past have lost my own content due to being sloppy around backups and upgrades.

Having said all that I'll join Lazlo in advocating for self hosting. I haven't used dropbox or most google products in years. Instead I run a Nextcloud server that provides cloud storage along with services for contacts and calendars. It will also automatically upload photos from your phone that can be shared with links, but unfortunately support for albums isn't yet up to par with services like Google or Flickr. Even so I'm hoping it won't be long before I ditch Google Photos as well. (though not relevant to the discussion here I use Protonmail rather than Gmail)


RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

   I do like the idea of self hosting, but it seems like the fees associated with sites that have unlimited storage are extremely high. If you know of one that is more resonable I'm interested in researching it. 

What concerns me is if I start posting GoPro videos the storage usage with go through the roof. And if I decide to use our better cameras (Nikon D800 & 850's) and post full res or even higher res pics then again the storage will be used up pretty quickly.

I like and have used a self hosted website in the past for my older business but the fees seem to keep going up and I would really like to keep an unlimited usage/storage location for under $100 or so a year. I almost went with Wordpress but their medium membership only allows I think 5 hrs of video and 12-13gb of photos/storage. Not very much when you start downloading tons of pictures and videos. 

My wife at one point used a private pro photographer hosting site to be able to host and sell her work and after going to part time switched to Shutterfly and allows her clients to just go to the password protected folder/album and that works ok for her but it's not a format I particually like. 

So my search really still continues and at this point Flickr and SmugMug is at the front.

RE: Preferred Photo Hosting Blog Site?

 You're certainly right about storage being a big issue. For hi-res photos and videos probably is hard to beat SmugMug or Flickr.

It looks like there are Wordpress plugins for embedding both Flicker and SmugMug. What about putting the two of them together?  I found this blog post maybe there are some ideas in there?  Websites for Photographers: Why SmugMug and WordPress are Best


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