Peeler - why no sail?

Is there a technical answer as to why the Peeler doesn't have a sail option? 

If looking for a "one night / day sailor"  it appears to check off lots of items like being over built, high free board, capacity, and beamy.  It appears like a good candidate for a balanced lug?


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RE: Peeler - why no sail?

Because it's designed to be a powerboat.

That hull shape (flat bottom, wide beam, length-to-beam ratio, flat, squared-off transom) has a lot of wetted area and a good amount of drag. It only really works when the boat is planing. Then it skims across the surface like a skipped stone. If there's not enough power it moves slowly dragging a large wake. It's really not a good shape for displacement speeds.

A sail rig that would give you enough power to make that hull shape plane would be too big to mount on that boat.

Compare the shape of the Jimmy Skiff II which is  a good sailboat:

The bottom is not flat, it's rounded from the middle towards the ends (rocker). The length-to-beam ratio is larger and the transom is angled. All this reduces the drag at displacement speeds to where a sail can be a practical power source.

Make sense?



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