Eastport Pram Mast to hull connection

From what I can tell on the rigging, there is nothing that actually connect the hull the mast.  What prevent rig from dislodging from step or coming out of mast partners -- such as in the case of the boat flipping over?


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RE: Eastport Pram Mast to hull connection


When the boat flips, it typically stops going over at the halfway point. The sail is on the surface and out of the wind so there's no more force pushing it over. People who were hanging over the side are all dumped in the water so they're not pulling the boat over either. The masthead is in the water and floating, producing a righting force that fights any tendency for the flip to continue. The mast partner is rolling against the mast, pinning it in place.

In 40 years of sailing I've never had an unattached mast come out of a boat unless I deliberately took it out.


RE: Eastport Pram Mast to hull connection

   This is helpful.  Thanks for confirmation.  I was just not 100% sure that I had rigging correct.


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