Finishing spars

I have finished the hull of my Skerry, the spars are nearly done, and then I will need to varnish and/or paint -- I'm sure I will be back here with many questions.

But for now: Do I need to epoxy the spars before I later finish them with paint or varnish?

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RE: Finishing spars

They'll last a lot longer with less maintenance if you do.



RE: Finishing spars

   Pretty frequent question, and Laszlo is right.

But, his boat stays out in the weather. If you plan to keep yours under a cover or in a garage don't bother. Varnish or paint will last plenty long and you'll save a few pounds aloft.



RE: Finishing spars

   Both answers are 100% correct.  Still, I vote for the epoxy now.  It is never easier to put on a good finish than now while the shop is set up, the spars are new and unrigged, etc..  If you save only one re-varnish over the life of the boat (and you'll likely have saved more than one) you'll have ultimately saved time, and meanwhile the spars will stay in better shape over the years. No (or many fewer) discolored spots from where they where the varnish was scratched or worn through while in use.  And I'd say certainly do the ceterboard and rudder, so why not spars while you are at it?

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