Strongback Length?

I'm a first-time builder, getting ready to build my Sassafras 12 (I have the kit).

I decided to go all-in and build a strongback before starting on the boat.

I have all my plywood cut to make a 14' strongback, when I realized there might be drawbacks to having a strongback that's longer than my boat.

Does it make a difference?

Would I be better off making a 12' strongback?


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RE: Strongback Length?

Hi Brian, 

it depends on what you mean by a strong-back. 

  1. in kayak construction, the typical strong back fits inside the hull and the forms have a whole in the middle for the the strong back has to be shorter than hull - often substantially.
  2. the other apporach is a table or strong back which supports a series of vertical posts to which the forms are fit (so they all sit above the table/strong-back).  in this case the strong back can be longer than the boat.  

the strong-backs so by CLC are desgined (with respect to their dimensions to fit inside a hull and have to be cut to a precise length.

if you want to build a table (2 above), you are not limited to these dimensiors.

hope that helps.


RE: Strongback Length?

   But just to get more speciifically to your issue having the strongback longer if you are building situation 2 above.   it means you can now re-use or build a longer boat as your secod project without having to build a new strongback - warning, this hobby can become addictive.


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