Skerry questions (1/3 painter)

I'm building a Skerry from a CLC kit. The rails are on and have two coats of epoxy. The seats and centerboard trunk are dry fitted. I still have to install the skeg and glass the interior.

I've been looking at the scale drawings and noticed a few items that might bear attention before sealing the tanks. For brevity, I will keep it to one item per post.

Item 1 - painter or tow eye of some sort

The drawings show a hole drilled in the stem for a line of indeterminate size. I'm picturing a float line with a stop knot backed by a fender washer through a drill-fill-drill hole. Alternatively, I've also pictured a metal strap, through-bolted to the stem, to which one could bend a line for towing or securing.

I might like to leave the Skerry on a beach where I live and want to secure it, as an option, although not necessary.

Question - what size and other specifics on painters can one add to the drawings? What alternatives to a simple painter might one recommend? Feel free to share as much specifics as you please, as this is my first small boat building project.


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RE: Skerry questions (1/3 painter)

1/4" triple-laid nylon line has a tensile strength of over 1600 lbs and would make a great painter for a 100-lb boat. Since it's triple laid you can make a nice eye-splice to put over cleats at a dock. The other end can be put through that hole in the stem and secured simply by tying a stopper knot. No hardware or fasteners needed. Not only does that save money, but there'e no chance of corrosion or of fasteners spalling and pullung out.



RE: Skerry questions (1/3 painter)

   Agree with laszlo.

I do not have a painter on my skerry. Rather I have spacered inwales that I tie a line to. much the rest is as laszlo states. 

I only use it to pull onto the trailer and in the event I need a tow, so it has a different function that most. That said the inwales are very usefull and look handsome.

RE: Skerry questions (1/3 painter)

Laszlo, thanks for the tips. On second look, the drawings call for a 1/2" hole in the stem. If I use 1/4" line, then maybe the first hole is 1/2" and the after-epoxy-fill final hole is 1/4"? Or is that too much fill?

dmiddad, I appreciate your comment and agree on the look of the inwales. I just don't want to spend the extra effort and time at this point, and given the Harris wisdom on inwales and breasthooks, well, that ship has sailed for me. Not sure I could live with myself, if I added inwales to flat breasthooks. lol

Come to think of it, I prefer the way the standard breasthooks stand out as a feature compared to the diminutive look of the arched breasthook with inwales. The inwales dominate the look and make the breasthooks seem small. Maybe I haven't seen any good photos, or I'm just imagining it. I do like the inwales look but probably more for the functionality of plentiful tie-downs. I have yet to live with the boat on the water, so I expect my views to evolve organically, as I discover what works best for me.



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