Finished My WD10


Finished. Very happy with how it came out, thanks for all the help. Looking forward to the delivery of a WD12 in the next week.

9 replies:

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RE: Finished My WD10

Looks good, got any bigger shots? Had it in the water yet?



RE: Finished My WD10

Thanks, Still learning first time posting photo, still learning. I will post a few more larger shots this weekend.

Love to get it in the water, waiting for backordered paddles. Heard they shipped yesterday. Also need to learn how to kayak!!

Thanks for all of your help Laszlo, your WD build online was a constant reference.




RE: Finished My WD10

Looks good. The next kayak I build after the MC is going to be a WD.  I still haven't figured out photo posting on this site.  I've posted from my photobucket acct many times on other forums, but it is different here.

RE: Finished My WD10

Here are two links that should let you look at the pictures


RE: Finished My WD10

Just brings up thumbnails!!!!

I am getting another cup of coffee, maybe than i can figure it out.

I promise to get it right!




RE: Finished My WD10

Link to my Picassa album

RE: Finished My WD10

Try this:

RE: Finished My WD10

The problem was the link to the image. In the URL, the thumbnails are at s128 and the fill-sized ones are at s720:

Anyway, nice boat. Looks like you got the edge bevelling better than I did. Hope your paddle gets there soon. In the meantime, you could tie 2 brooms together :-)



RE: Finished My WD10


Thanks for your comments and the photo posting lesson.

I am happy with how it came out, but I am definitiely going to apply some of the learning to the WD12 I am starting.

I think i am going to scrounge a paddle from somewhere, to nice a day up in New England not to get in the water.

Have a great weekend



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