First boat: Suggestions for seating

Hello everyone, 

I am building my first canoe.  Its a Wee Lassie 2.

I have one more coat of epoxy before flipping the boat.

I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a wooden seat?  The Wee Lassie 2 has a seat that sits on a few mounts on the bottom of the boat.  

I really like a saddle seat in canoes.

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Pictures?



Here are some pictures so far.

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RE: First boat: Suggestions for seating

Nice job there Steve. For a ‘first boat’ you show signs of skills acquired elsewhere!

I’d dreamed of building a MacGregor for 30-some years, even have several sheets of 5mm Okoume I been hoarding since the plans arrived. Decided though a kit less intimidating than spiling out planks from offsets so anticipating the start of assembly on the Waterlust kit I received about two years back.

As for wood saddle seats? No ideas here but with evident skillset you have I doubt you’ll have trouble putting something together once you find an idea to your liking. Pictures please as you progress!!

RE: First boat: Suggestions for seating

Take a peek here:

RE: First boat: Suggestions for seating

Take a peek here:


RE: First boat: Suggestions for seating

   Thought I would follow up with what I decided.  Carved it out of a glued up block of WRC.  Much testing for comfort, but I think it turned out.

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