Modify Eastport Pram to incorporate fixed air chambers for flotation

rather then using foam blocks I would like to install some sort of a fixed air chamber with inspection holes in the Eastport Pram that I am preparing to build. 
Has anyone here done that? Or any tips? 
I guess the biggest challenge would be to to allow the finished parts to still be stackable.

Thanks for all pointers

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RE: Modify Eastport Pram to incorporate fixed air chambers for flotation

I bought Holt's Opti buoyancy bags.  They fit perfectly under the center thwart.

RE: Modify Eastport Pram to incorporate fixed air chambers for flotation

Well in my current dinghy I currently use fenders under the seats.
But I would like to have something less improvised with the easport. 
It seems there should be room to install a floatation chamber at least in front of the mast step and under the center seat.  

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