Titebond III Ultimate Wood Glue

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Price: $13.75


Titebond III Ultimate Wood Glue is what we use for assembling strip-planked boats.  Great for interior and exterior applications, the Franklin Titebond III is a one-part, water-clean-up wood glue. It features superior bond strength, longer open assembly time and lower application temperature.

Strip-plankers will just squeeze the glue out of the nozzle into the coves in the bead-and-cove planking.  At room temperature, it'll be workable in an hour or two, so you can move fast with your hull and deck planking. (In strip-planked boats, the Titebond-glued strips are sealed inside and out with epoxy and fiberglass after assembly.)

This wood glue provides strong initial tack, sands easily without softening and is FDA approved for indirect food contact. Non-toxic and solvent-free, it cleans up with water. Sold in convenient-to-handle pint tubes (16 oz).

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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